Upcoming Prayer Meetings & Initiatives | 2024

A welcome message from the new Prayer Ministry Leader of the Ottawa Adventist Church to inform you of upcoming prayer meetings and initiatives.
This evening, Wednesday, January 3, 2024, we will hold a children's prayer meeting, followed by an adult session on zoom (see the posters for log-in details). 

Additionally, this Sabbath January 6, 2024, marks a special day of prayer and fasting, the first of both the quarter and the year.  Immediately following the Divine Service, there will be a brief prayer session for those who wish to participate. 

I also want to encourage everyone to join the "24/7 United Prayer" platform, accessible at https://247unitedprayer.org/. Here, you can find rooms available around the clock for prayer.
Looking ahead, our "10 Days of Prayer" event will commence next Wednesday, from January 10 to January 20, 2024. Details can be found at https://www.tendaysofprayer.org. The conclusion of this event will be on Sabbath, January 20.
The following video introduces the "24/7 United Prayer" for those who are unfamiliar with it: https://youtu.be/hsKfbDCwP4U?si=0tTcVZgnBpyYMS5l.
Lastly, please note our "40 Days of Prayer" initiative, which will run from February 1 to March 13, 2024. This initiative is also explained in the video.
Thank you for your attention to these important spiritual activities.
Martine Charles
2024-2025 Prayer Ministry Leader
Ottawa Adventist Church

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