Page Contents
- Communications
- Community Services
- Education
- Health Ministries
- Personal Ministries
- Prison Ministry
- Web Ministries
The Communications Ministry aims to share church-related information and the Gospel through modern communications tools. The Communications Department is a ministry that provides relevant information to the church and to the community, is an instrument to bridge church and community, is a means of promoting attendance at church programs, as well as a vehicle to propagate the Gospel through modern communication tools.
The work of the Communications Ministry covers four key areas:
Public Relations: Effectively communicating pertinent information relating to the church, its activities and programs to the other churches in the region, and the local community.
Media Relations: Promoting church events in local media, and Adventist publications (e.g.CHRI Radio, Ontario Conference publications).
News and Information: Maintaining an information-packed Web site, up-to-date announcement boards, and publishing the church newsletter, Benjamin’s Voice.
Advertising and Promotion: Creating and disseminating announcements, e-bulletins, promotional material (e.g. posters, postcards, flyers).
The Communications Team is here to serve your communication needs. Please let us know how we may assist you by emailing us at If you would like to join our Team, complete the Join A Ministry form.
Community Services

The Ottawa Adventist Community Services Ministry aims to be a well-rounded ministry of compassion, which supports Personal Ministries by providing for the poor, needy and unfortunate of the community (both in-reach and outreach programs).
The ministry seeks to meet the needs of the community by providing programs and services that impact the church and the community, including: Touch-of-Love sack lunches, Community Guest Day, tutoring and mentoring programs, health screening education and assistance, inner city missions, and disaster response.
Community Services Needs You!
The Community Services Department needs your assistance in reaching the needy population of Ottawa. Non-perishable contributions are welcomed for the food hampers given to those in need. Extra hands are always welcomed every second Sunday morning in the Touch of Love Ministry.
Touch-of-Love is a ministry of love and compassion. Every two weeks, the ministry prepares sack lunches. These are put together by volunteers and delivered in the downtown area. Included in the sack lunches are two sandwiches, one banana, one drink and a dessert. Clothes are also distributed.
To lend a hand and bring hope to those less fortunate, please come Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. and offer your love and support in reaching and serving the needy population of the Ottawa Community.
The Education Ministry strives to educate for eternity by encouraging young people to establish Christian values.The Education Ministry supports the various entities and groups involved in Christian education by pointing young people toward Christian values. Opportunities to engage in these activities occur whenever the church family comes together, including Sabbath mornings, mid-week services, Adventurer and Pathfinder Clubs, and other Youth meetings.
Related Information
Ottawa Adventist School
Health Ministries
Health Ministries strives to help men and women reach their full potential, mentally, spiritually and physically, by sharing and promoting health principles. Health is the gracious gift of God, and is preserved best by choosing the most healthful lifestyle possible, empowered by the Grace of God.
Health Ministries is not only about assisting our members with living healthier, happier lives; it is also about reaching out to the surrounding community.
To this end, Health Ministries focuses on health promotion, keeping church members aware of the importance of health, and on health education, educating new members in the Adventist lifestyle.
Health evangelism teaches people how to care for their bodies, minds and souls. Seminars, workshops and one-on-one sessions can help people overcome debilitating diseases and find spiritual joy.
Personal Ministries
The Personal Ministries Department provides resources and trains church members and officers to unite their efforts with the ministry in the final proclamation of the gospel of salvation in Christ. The department endeavors to inspire, motivate, equip, train, and mobilize all members for dynamic Christian service and effective soul winning with the conviction that “The church of Christ is organized for service” (Ministry of Healing, p. 148) and “Every son and daughter of God is called to be a missionary; we are called to the service of God and our fellow men” (The Ministry of Healing, p. 395).
The ministry provides free personal Bible studies; Group Bible studies; literature distribution, and other evangelism programs.
God has ordained His church to be a lighthouse in this neighborhood. Evangelism is the method by which fellow citizens are to be informed, warned and invited to try Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life. One way to advance the Kingdom is to prayerfully report for duty: Be ye fishers of men. Remember, God doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called.
To take part in the ministry, complete the Join A Ministry form
Prison Ministries
Prisons around the country are filled to capacity with inmates, but is God’s message of forgiveness and hope also entering these prisons? The Ottawa Adventist Church’s Prison Ministries department strives to meet each inmate where they are and bring them the message of God’s forgiveness, righteousness, and plan for a better life.
The church’s Prison Ministries department provides a weekly faith-sharing program at a local prison facility in order to ensure hope and light is being brought into some of the darkest corners of society. Operational for over 10 years, the ministry has shared Bibles, Steps to Christ, and other religious material with inmates.
The Ottawa Adventist Church Prison Ministries is seeking volunteers – men and women who are willing to come on a weekly basis or on rotation, and who have a passion for sharing the gospel to inmates so that their lives are changed and God is glorified. If you are interested in volunteering in this ministry, complete the Join A Ministry form.
Web Ministries