AY Remix



AY REMIX: On Friday night (October 2, 2020) at 7 PM, join the virtual conversation on modesty. We can’t wait to hear from and see all of you. 

  1. Join Zoom Meeting
    Meeting ID: 878 4982 3560
    Passcode: Benjamin
  2. One tap mobile
    +12042727920,,87849823560#,,,,,,0#,,821852# Canada
    +14388097799,,87849823560#,,,,,,0#,,821852# Canada
  3.  Dial by your location
    1 204 272 7920
    1 438 809 7799
    1 587 328 1099
    1 647 374 4685
    1 778 907 2071
    Meeting ID: 878 4982 3560
    Passcode: 821852
  4.  Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kvbgJFwIx

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